Multiple Setbacks

Help 4 All Ltd was established to launch a 'Community Interest' Help service.

An appalling multitude of unrelated circumstances forced a funding hiatus.

Then, the overall decline in the human condition caused a major re-think.

In its place, a dedicated JV Licensing company was registered by the project founder.

It too was blighted by the same third-party-inflicted abominations.

Both now need £-resources to expediently move forward.

Forthcoming or not, the underlying invaluable project is set for imminent delivery.

Irrespective of its exact form, it will be an unprecedented global first.

This, in the form of providing absolute-Core solutions to systemic harm.

The heart-of-the-matter output will cover the spectrum of Harm, Man-caused and otherwise.

In part, as now a Legacy project, it will be a phoenix initiative also.

The other company - Dew Holdings Ltd. - will precipitate the Licensing.

Subject to adequate resources, Help4all Ltd. will re-invigorate the Community potentials.

Irrespective of either processes, two other pressing needs will be addressed...

Those of the glaring shortcomings within AI, and the wider threats thereof.

Recognized as invaluable or not, release of the Core material is a global imperative.

Additional to the spectrum of Harm issues, it addresses Unsustainability also.

At this level, viable global Sustainabilty becomes a deliverable option.

With Leadship failing to identify, let-alone deliver, that which is has now become an imperative....

It is encumbent upon the wider population to step up all forms of Harm reduction.

More-importantly, up-coming generations need to be suitably equipped.

This, in addition to existing adults implimenting genuine, systemic, Harm-reducing changes...

This will be both a learning process, and a major Harm-unlearning process.

Educationally, they will be the most-valuable hand-ons to the next generation.

You can assist with a range of helpful progress.


An introduction by our Director can be found at:
